A Safety Manager requests urgent guidance from their Corporate Medical Advisor to address workplace concerns after an employee has alerted his supervisor that he has been diagnosed with Tuberculosis.

Corporate Medical Advisors can help with:

Risk management and communication

  • Focus on risk communication, address coworker concerns, and minimize associated work disruption.
  • Ensure management understands how to comply with local reporting requirements.
  • Communication with corporate Safety, Human Resources, Legal, and Public Affairs.

Return to Work

  • Determine which employees not be allowed to re-enter the workplace.
  • Request and review personal medical details regarding the disease and treatment plans.
  • Ensure and verify the employee no longer represents any risk of disease transmission.

Risk Mitigation

  • Manage future workplace concerns about the spread of disease.
  • Review interdepartmental policy, practices, and communications.
  • Development of workplace risk mitigation policies for Tuberculosis and other.